write. write. write.

Posted: December 3, 2013 in Ink & Feather
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 So often I have the words, but lack the time.

So often I have the time, but lack the words.

So often I have the strength, but lack the will.

So often I have the will, but lack the strength.


Words. Time. Strength. Will.

You need all four to write.


Like clock hands, they might align predictably, but rarely.

Like dice rolls, they might align often, but unpredictably.

Like connecting trains, they might align both often and predictably.

Like weather phenomena, they might align both rarely and unpredictably.


It doesn’t matter.

When you can, you write.


Write slow and sweet, like a lingering kiss.

Write bitter and fast, like a burning house.

Write bitter and slow, like a killing frost.

Write fast and sweet, like a shooting star.


Write with what’s in you.

Write with what isn’t.


Write like your words can mend the unmendable.

Write like your words can break the unbreakable.

Write like your words can build the unbuildable.

Write like your words can destroy the indestructible –


and one day, maybe,

they will.


Words are bombs, my darlings.

They explode our hearts

and whether they do it with fireworks or shrapnel

is up to you.

  1. psyren says:

    Achingly beautiful. Perfect!

  2. brennalayne says:

    Oh, this is lovely and true.

  3. Susan says:

    Just what I needed to start writing again. So inspiring

  4. Ld Elon says:

    fk it, one needs reason… theres not enough of that, one can tell, hence the one liners..

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