People of Earth, your attention please – as of today, being 1 March 2010, Solace & Grief is officially on shelves! Woo! Here is a nice review to celebrate! Pan Galactic Gargle-Blasters all round!

Due partly to the fact that all good things come in threes, but mostly because launches are fun, Solace & Grief is being treated to three of them. The first, as keen observers of this blog may be aware, was held on Saturday 20 Feb at the Carlton Library, and was awesome, if a little nerve-rattling, owing to the fact that I am now an Author Person and was therefore unable to persue my usual ploy of loitering near the cheese platter until rather late in the day. The second launch took place during Friday night’s portion of Continuum 6, courtesy of the wonderful Lucy Sussex, who not only said a series of very nice things indeed about the book, but also gave me a rather delicious bottle of red champagne, the subsequent lifespan of which was, as one might imagine, brief. However, there is still one launch to go, and if you are a native of Sydney or any of the surrounding burghs, it would be a thing of extreme shinyness to see you there. Thus, I give you: the details!

Where: Kinokuniya Books, Level 2, The Galeries Victoria, 500 George Street, Sydney.

When: This Sunday 7 March from 12:30 onwards.

The proceedings will be MC’d by the illustrious Scott Westerfeld. There will be little sandwiches, and things to drink, and books to buy and have signed – in short, it will be an awesome day, and more in these instances is always merrier, so come along! Bring friends, bring fun, and together we will talk vampires. Mua. Ha. Haaa.

  1. tessa kendall says:

    HI. i’m one of the capsicum girls from today and i just wanted to let you know that i’ve been reading solace & grief since i got home and i’m absolutely hooked and can’t imagine sleeping until i’m done.

    • fozmeadows says:

      Yay Capsicum Girls! Glad you’re liking the book – thanks for making the launch random and awesome πŸ™‚

  2. Livvey says:

    Hi!! Indeed i am anther Capsicum girl.. in fact i commented before.. ive just finished your book…. and without being a cliched or stereotypical teenage girl… OMG. When is the next one coming out?? You have to be one of my new hero’s! It was AMAZING!!!!!

  3. fozmeadows says:

    Lol, thanks! The next one is nearly finished at the moment – will be sure to publicise it as soon as I have a release date, but until then, my characters are still bossing me around as to what happens next. But I have the last laugh, though. I know how Everything Comes To An End in book 3, and they don’t. Muahahaha.

    Sidenote: it is entirely possible that being an author makes me evil.

  4. tessa kendall says:

    I’m back! I finished the book last night and I was going to leave you a huge fangirly message with lots of capital letters and exclamation points… But I’ll spare you. Instead I’ll just say that I really, really, really, really, really, really, really loved and and I really, really, really, really, really, really, really cannot wait for the next one πŸ˜€

  5. Livvey says:

    Whether or not you evil is beside the point for me, in fact people who have no maliciousness nature about them are often extremely dull, so an evil author trumps almost everything else πŸ™‚ In fact, I would be quite pleased to be branded an Evil Author. Its got quite a ring to it πŸ™‚
    And when you next book comes out, I’ll make sure to give you a pineapple… or another strange fruit πŸ™‚

  6. fozmeadows says:

    You know, I never said being evil was necessarily a bad thing… πŸ˜‰

    I look forward to future pineapples!

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